Beginner Astro ?✨

Follow these step by step instructions for a quick and easy introduction to Astrology

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Beginner Astro ?✨

Follow these step by step instructions for a quick and easy introduction to Astrology


Hey guys and gals!

Follow these step by step instructions for a quick and easy introduction to Astrology(link)!

I want you to remember that Astro is much deeper than you think, and can be used in every part of life, to see every part of life. From the bad to the good. From criminals to preachers, and from children to animals. Everything.

Have fun!


Step 1.

You must have an accurate birthday (obviously) and birth time.

Check your birth certificate for your birth time. Try to go with that before taking your Mother’s word for it.

The birth time is the most important part of a chart.

Step 2.

* Go to

* * At the top, click Horoscopes and a drop down list will appear.

* * At the bottom of this list, click Extended Chart Selection

* * You can make an account or you can click on Guest Data Entry

* * Fill out your birth information an create your chart.

* * Screenshot this chart and keep it in your favorites in your phone for easy access.

* * ❗️When showing someone your chart for help, advice, or a reading use this screenshot. As a rule of thumb, the Astro Community finds this chart easiest to read.

* * ‼️ Sometimes, a person’s birth location can conflict with the geographical calculators of a chart generator. As a result, a small percentage of people will sometimes have to alter their actual birth time and push it an hour back or forward in order to pull up their actual chart. Most likely you will not have to worry about this. However, if you find yourself not resonating with your chart as you learn more, then it will be worth it to come back and change your birth time either an hour forward or back to see which one is most accurate.

Step 3.

❣️Now the fun begins!

Click the link to this website (click free birth chart analysis)

** AstroCodex is currently unavailable, in the meantime you can input your chart into CafeAstrology here. It will give you a full page worth of information about your chart. **

At the bottom, fill out your birth information. The website will tell you all of your planet house and sign placements, as well as the aspects the planets make to each other.

In addition to that, it will give you

direct links to articles that describe the different parts of your chart.

AstroCodex isn’t the only website that can tell you about your chart.

Astrologers from all over the world have filled the Internet with their personal interpretations of the different placements.

You can use Google and come across hundreds of blogs and websites that will further tell you about yourself.

An example Google search would be “Moon in Scorpio” or “Sun in the 4th house” or “Mars Conjunct Venus” etc

Step 4.

This website is extremely beginner friendly and provides the definitions of the different parts of the chart.

This is a great place to start when you’re ready to learn how to read a birth chart!

Astrology Basics

Step 5.

Get involved!️ :D

My Twitter account is

@iJaadee (you betta follow me)

Astro Twitter accounts to follow


















I tweet about Astro and how it relates to the real world. My account focuses on chart interpretation and the darker side of Astrology. I enjoy helping people, but I cant help everyone.

When you have a question, try to Google the answer first. If that doesn’t work, ask the TL and if that doesn’t work it can help to ask someone directly.

I highly suggest starting an Astro group chat or getting involved with an existing one. Astro group chats are helpful for learning together and creating friends, because most of us don’t have Astro friends in real life.

I have made a Twitter thread about the best way to get a question answered by knowledgeable people on Astro Twitter.

Link here:

Astrology Etiquette

Keep scrolling!


I really hoped this has helped you. I made this doc so that it would be simple and easy to get friends and family involved with our fave subject️.

Save the link to this document in your phone’s notes for quick access when you need to send it to a beginner.

**Below are more Astro related links that I find interesting or helpful.

Thanks for reading!**

Relationship Astrology, What is Synastry?

What’s your love style?

Family Patterns in Astrology

Astrolocherry Blog

Fixed Stars

Loneliness, Isolation, Emotional walls

Midpoint Calculator

Mars, Neptune and Orgasm addiction

Astrology of the Friend Zone

Food and the Moon Sign

I’m Christian, is Astrology from the devil?

Are you Psychic? Check your chart!

The Moon and your Mother

You, Your Boo, and the Moon

Depression and Astrology

PDF breakdown on understanding charts

Beginner Astro ?✨
Tags Astrology
Type Google Doc
Published 21/07/2023, 14:36:36