Seeds for a better future

System change Ideas - Seeds of a better future

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Seeds for a better future

System change Ideas - Seeds of a better future

coronavirus, system change, projects

Seeds for a Better Future

towards a Knowledge Garden of our co-evolution!

This is a repository of annotated links to articles, videos, podcasts, and other resources

that reflect breakthrough insights about life and the world after the pandemic.

Curated for coherence and eliminating duplicates, by a team

of FUTURE HOW Center of Action Research for Evolutionary Emergence

at Campus Co-Evolve

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Articles and blogs


and URL


why and how this can inform our imagining a better future

The Revolution Is Under Way Already

Far from making Americans crave stability, the pandemic underscores how everything is up for grabs.

The pandemic as political trial: the case for a global commons

The major threats to humanity are global in character, so mutual aid, cooperation, and solidarity must be too.

Why this crisis is a turning point in history

Clearing the mind and thinking how to live in an altered world is the task at hand.

From Pandemic to Post-Capitalism

If humanity chooses sharing and cooperation over control and competition, we can convert corporate and private assets to commonly held resources.

The pandemic is a portal

Historically, pandemics have forced humans to break with the past and imagine their world anew. This one is no different. It is a portal, a gateway between one world and the next.

We aren’t just stopping coronavirus. We’re building a new world

What we do now will not only alter the course of this pandemic; it will also shape large parts of our collective futures. Nationalise the fossil fuel and airline industries.

How Coronavirus kills Capitalism and gives rise to Metamodernism

Spanish Flu helped create Sweden modern-welfare state. Let’s see what Coronavirus can do.

The Coronation, by Charles Eisenstein

Covid-19 is showing us that when humanity is united in common cause, phenomenally rapid change is possible. What do we want to achieve, and what world shall we create? That is always the next question when anyone awakens to their power.

The Post Corona World

A Backwards Corona Forecast:

Or how we will be surprised when the crisis is „over“

Amsterdam to embrace 'doughnut' model to mend post-coronavirus economy

A guide to what it means for countries, cities and people to thrive in balance with the planet, based on this simple idea: the goal of economic activity should be about meeting the core needs of all but within the means of the planet.

The Care-Centered Economy, by Ina Praetorius

We need an economy and society that is built on care.

What We Might Learn From Covid-19

Similar to the video you shared. New perspectives unlocked by our

CoVid19 out of the belly of hell. The humanisation of globalisation. Antony Barnett..,-adia-benton.html

“We need to reimagine our international institutions… We need to consider epidemiological and clinical concerns in the context of different social and economic realities… COVID-19 has revealed major structural weaknesses and risks within our health system… ���We need family plans, not just community plans”

Towards an Integral Philosophy of the Present (Jeremy Johnson):

An introduction to the work and life of Jean Gebser; Gebser’s contributions to the current crisis are quintessential study, as Gebser positioned his work and methodology as one that inhabited an “interim world,” (a time between worlds) - and as such, helps us to cohere and clarify what is emerging from both an abstract/complexity level and a deeply ground phenomenological inhabitation. He asks: How do we distinguish it from the “old” world, the old self? And finally, how do we cohere and embolden the presence of the future in the midst of a planetary crisis?

Imagining a Gaian Reality after the Virus (Matthew T Segall):

“We need new practices of aestheticization, new stories, new rituals (or perhaps we need to respectfully recover “old” practices, stories, and rituals) to help sensitize us to the values of nonhumans. Our survival depends on it.”

There will be no 'back to normal'

Co-opting the “no back to normal” meme of radical transformation, these articles focused on helping Nesta’s institutional clients to adapt to the changes in such areas as political, economic, socio-cultural, technological, legal, and environmental.

What Do Countries With The Best Coronavirus Responses Have In Common? Women Leaders

What do Germany, Taiwan, New Zealand, Iceland, Finland, Norway, and Denmark all have in common? They’re all led by women, and they’re all fighting Covid-19 competently.

“Iceland, under the leadership of Prime Minister Katrín Jakobsdóttir, is offering free coronavirus testing to all its citizens, and will become a key case study in the true spread and fatality rates of Covid-19,” Wittenberg-Cox notes, while Finnish Prime Minister Sanna Marin pioneered “using social media influencers as key agents in battling the coronavirus crisis.” It’s proof, Wittenberg-Cox argues, that more female leadership is needed.

Evolutionary Learning Ecosystems for Thrivable Futures: Crafting and Curating the Conditions for Future-Fit Education

Anneloes Smitsman, Alexander Laszlo & Pavel Luksha

Conscious systems require conscious people who are in touch with the larger realities of life, responsive to future-needs, and responsible for the impacts of their past activities. Indications that conditions are ripe for a new generation of learners, with needs and aspirations that cannot be satisfied by mainstream education systems, are starting to emerge.

I, Coronavirus. Mother. Monster. Activist., by Bayo Akomolafe

This is a 29-page, soul-stirring essay. the aim is to shock you, the reader-author, into noticing the world differently. “Viruses turn our bodies against us, casting us beside ourselves, or manifesting the othernesses we are already composed of.” [a]

COVID-19: The Story of the Impossible Train[b], by Phoebe Tickell

This is an exercise in moral imagining — a body of work developed by a growing network of storytellers, facilitators and narrative medicine practitioners to exercise #moralimaginations

We Were Made For These Times[c]

“For years, we have been learning, practicing, been in training for and just waiting to meet on this exact plain of engagement… There is a tendency, too, to fall into being weakened by dwelling on what is outside your reach, by what cannot yet be. Do not focus there. That is spending the wind without raising the sails. We are needed, that is all we can know.”

Ten Premises For A Pandemic

Insightful musings about all the 10 premises that include: 1. A pandemic isn’t a collection of viruses, but is a social relation among people, mediated by viruses. 4. As capitalism’s market economies fail us in every way, we must dare to imagine ways of organizing social life beyond the logic of price, competition, and profit. 8. The pandemic, as a phenomenon that differentially affects all of the planet at once, must push us all to live our lives definitively beyond the logic of borders and nations. 10. We must collectively, courageously, and compassionately decide what new ways of living we desire to live in the pandemic and the times that follow, or it will be decided for us.

COVID-19: Lessons for an Urban(izing) World[d]

The COVID-19 crisis has changed the face of many of our cities and questioned how we should manage urban life in the wake of a pandemic. This Commentary points to the need to learn urban governance lessons and to the potential value of urban experimentation in crisis.

Don’t Waste an Economic Meltdown: A Strategy to Replace Capitalism by Rabbi Michael Lerner

It is important to acknowledge that there is still a chance in the remaining weeks of social isolation for a mass movement to emerge and last beyond this sad moment. That movement would have staying power if

Seeds for a better future
Tags Coronavirus, System change, Projects
Type Google Doc
Published 23/12/2020, 08:39:07


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