Possible Covid datasets

Hospitals, medical associations, government data, etc.

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Possible Covid datasets

Hospitals, medical associations, government data, etc.

coronavirus, data

Source Notable Features Description How to Access Data Link How to Access Data

American Hospital Association US, hospital data, mostly current American Hospital Association (AHA), statistics about hospitals, 6300 hospitals, 400 healthcare systems, includes demographics, operations, service line, staffing, c-suite info, expenses, org structures, beds, utilization Subscription Required https://www.ahadata.com/aha-hospital-statistics/

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services US, hospital data, 2014/2015 Hospital Cost Report Public Use file (PUF), select measures provided by hospitals through annual cost report, data organized at hospital level; includes location (city, county), beds, financial information, usage statistics. Excel, Interactive, API https://www.cms.gov/Research-Statistics-Data-and-Systems/Statistics-Trends-and-Reports/Medicare-Provider-Cost-Report/HospitalCostPUF

NIH PubMed Central Regional trend data, 2000-2009 journal article about critical care bed growth in US, regional and national trends, data from Centers for Medicare/Medicaid and US Census, summary information. 2000-2009 timeframe Summary, article https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4351597/

Intensive Care Medicine Europe, hospital data, 2010-2011 journal article about variability of critical care beds in Europe (by country), cross referenced with population size, age, GDO, acute care beds, healthcare expenditures, July 2010-July 2011 timeframe Scrape data from tables https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00134-012-2627-8

Critical Care Medicine Asia, hospital data, 2017-2019 journal article about critical care bed capacity in 23 Asian countries/regions, studied across different income economies, timeframe Sept 2017-Sept 2019 Scrape data from tables https://www.researchgate.net/publication/338520008_Critical_Care_Bed_Capacity_in_Asian_Countries_and_Regions

DUPLICATE -- NIH PubMed https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4351597/

Medicare (Gov) US, hospital data, mostly current Supports hospital locations and capacities for Medicare-accepting facilities, also nursing/physician, supplier directory CSV, API https://data.medicare.gov

Health Data (Gov) US, specific topic databases high value health data, datasets grouped by hospital, medicare, health, quality, inpatient, community, state, national; mostly current; diverse/specific topics (good if looking for a granular topic), from DHHS, Agency for Healthcare Research/Quality, CDC, Medicare/Medicaid, Substance Abuse/Mental Health Services Admin. API https://healthdata.gov/

DUPLICATE -- AHA subscription site https://console.aha.org/home;goto=http:%2F%2Fguide.aha.org%2Fdataquery

Data (Gov) US, centralized location for myriad data central site for all government data sources, good ability to search/sort by topic CSV, JSON, XML, HTML https://www.data.gov/

Private citizen Dashboard/Calculator epidemic calculator, able to adjust dynamics for simulation, uses SEIR model, N/A http://gabgoh.github.io/COVID/index.html

Columbia University Summary site private citizen site aggregating cases, growth, resources, testimonials, etc. may link to useful sources N/A https://www.kiragoldner.com/covid19/

BMC Health Services Research Europe, time/motion, hospital and patient data, 2012-2013 journal article, Dutch medical hospital time/motion study, sample of admitted patients, diagnosis, time, intervention, timeframe July 2012-January 2013 Scrape data from tables https://bmchealthservres.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12913-014-0674-2

Comput Math Methods Med Brazil, models for hospital ER use, 2013-2015 journal article, analyzed performance of 4 forecast models predicting demand for Emergency Department at Southern Brazil hospital, timeframe 2013-2015 Scrape data from tables https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5048091/

Journal of Hospital & Medical Mgt Models for hospital, for ob/gyn dept, 2013-2016 journal article, forecast models in health care, specifically ob/gyn dept, November 2013-2016 Scrape data from tables https://hospital-medical-management.imedpub.com/selection-of-the-forecasting-model-in-health-care.pdf

Data in Brief Covid-2019 ARIMA Models, current journal article, ARIMA model on Covid-2019 data from Johns Hopkins epidemiological data, current Excel https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352340920302341

Technical Report Models for hospital, 2009-2012 journal article, predicting patient volumes, time series, exponential smoothing, ARIMA, GARCH, timeframe January 2009-June 2012, Chicago IL - Northwestern Memorial Hospital N/A https://www.mcs.anl.gov/~kibaekkim/ForecastingHospitalMedicine.pdf

Science Alert Ibuprofen use, article WHO/France officials guidance on whether or not to use Ibuprofen N/A https://www.sciencealert.com/who-recommends-to-avoid-taking-ibuprofen-for-covid-19-symptoms

Hospital Stats Search ER wait times site to search ER wait times of all US hospitals Scrape data from site www.hospitalstats.org

White House Press Release Announcement of COVID-19 Open Research Dataset most extensive machine-readable Coronavirus literature, for data/text mining, on 3/16/2020 -- had 29,000 articles; also link to Allen Institute SemanticScholar.org and Kaggle.com Data from Kaggle https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefings-statements/call-action-tech-community-new-machine-readable-covid-19-dataset/

American Hospital Directory Hosptial stats by state aggregate data for number of

Possible Covid datasets
Tags Coronavirus, Data
Type Google Sheet
Published 31/07/2023, 10:08:29


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